
Teater murnikula hosts the Šodr theater with the event They wrote on the faces of the walls

This is a direct insight into the creation and functioning of the generation that stood at the trenches of freedom with guitars and written sheets of paper.

Important information
MKC Pri Rdeči Ostrigi, Škofja Loka
Facebook event
Entrance fee
4 € / KŠŠ, 6 € / ostali

This is a direct insight into the creation and functioning of the generation that stood at the trenches of freedom with guitars and written sheets of paper.

Preko sočnih pripovedi Tomaž Pengova, Majde Širca, Milana Dekleve in drugih junakov norih šestdesetih, nas dogodek popelje v desetletje, v katerem je Janis Joplin popila preveč viskija, v katerem so študente po Evropi tepli, ker so povedali, v katerem so slovenski študentje sredi Ljubljane uprizorili Woodstock, v katerem…

Hkrati zaživi tudi psihadelična poezija takratnih študentov; Milana Jesiha, Iztoka Geisterja – Plamena, Tomaža Šalamuna, Milana Dekleve and others.

Dogajanje bo nadaljevala ljubljanska skupina BALOT (stari dig-rock) in funk/hipi/rock/disco ritmi DJ MONDAY-a.

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