This is a direct insight into the creation and functioning of the generation that stood at the trenches of freedom with guitars and written sheets of paper.
This is a direct insight into the creation and functioning of the generation that stood at the trenches of freedom with guitars and written sheets of paper.
Through juicy stories Tomaž Pengova, Majda Širca, Milana Dekleva and other heroes of the crazy sixties, the event takes us to a decade in which Janis Joplin drank too much whiskey, in which students across Europe were beaten for speaking out, in which Slovenian students staged Woodstock in the middle of Ljubljana, in which...
At the same time, the psychedelic poetry of the students of that time also comes to life; Milan Jesih, Geister's Outpouring – Flames, Tomaž Šalamun, Milana Dekleva and others.
The event will be continued by the Ljubljana group. BALLOT (old dig-rock) and funk/hippie/rock/disco rhythms DJ MONDAY.