
Technology Detox: Smartphone Detox Apps and Gadgets

Technology Detox: Smartphone Detox Apps and Gadgets.

We are probably all at least a little bit addicted to our smartphone. Acknowledgment is already half way to recovery, but it is also necessary to change behavior and face the fear of missing something (fear of missing out).

It is highly likely that when asked, As much as we love our smartphone, many people say they love it TOO MUCH. Almost all of us survive a lot of time staring at screens, and we struggle less and less with real life experiences. The research data is quite clear, but also a concern arousing. One in three Earthlings find it difficult to 'switch off' even in cases where they should it was healthier for him.

Why is that? Because phones are made, yes attract. High resolution, beautiful vivid colors and notifications attract our attention. But it doesn't have to be like that. We can change the phone so that it becomes boring and 'ugly'. And what is the result of this? Maybe we will do it less often caught in hands.

Let's start with the options that are mostly already on the phone. The latest version of Apple's system (iOS 12) has a 'screen time' feature that displays the time accurately, when the device in question was in use. For each application you can set a daily usage limit and when it is exceeded, the system "recolors" the icon in gray and adds a warning that unfortunately the daily time has already been reached.

Screen Time
Screen Time

A similar thing in Android is called 'digital well-being' (Digital Wellbeing). The difference between the two is in the details, what the user can do when the limit is reached. In the iOS system, we just press the 'ignore' button and the app is accessible again, but in Android we have to turn off the limit manually, which is more time-consuming and inconvenient.

We can also change the appearance user interface. Instead it is colorful and picturesque, should be in shades of gray. Be sure to turn off all of them notifications – nothing should appear on screen, no small lights should be on and the phone should not make any sound. When a message arrives or something is pinned on social networks, the application evaluates, that it's time for her. There are fewer distractions from the phone, the less we will fiddle with it.

Digital Wellbeing
Digital Wellbeing

Application Siempo for Android it does something similar. Nothing but beautiful and modern app icons are added on a simple white background, but also helps with turning off unnecessary notifications. But there is one more step forward. V periodically changes the order of the icons on the screen, so we have to do it again and again to look for, where is the entrance point for the desired application. More than there are on the screen, it is more time consuming.


What if the 'attachment' is to the phone more powerful and some changes in the system settings and some additional applications will not help? Then you should change your behavior. Think of it as a diet. We still have to eat, av more moderate and healthier amounts. Experts and behavioral psychologists on the subject they command, that you are let's set daily goals. Determine yourself how much time per day you will use the phone, when and for how much time per day will you turn it off completely. But it will also be necessary to come to terms with it, yes we will surely miss an invitation, breaking news or rumour. We have to face the fear of missing out.

We have to face the fear of missing out.
We have to face the fear of missing out.

In the extreme, if it is addiction crossed all limits and threatens us in one way or another, then we will have to get rid of the smartphone completely. You can think of a mobile phone that doesn't have one of 'intoxicating' smartphone capabilities. There are still a few of these on the market. The best ones are which do not support short messages either, but only allow phone calls.

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