
Japan week

During the week of Japanese culture, we will learn about various aspects of the rich culture. We are talking about haiku poetry, origami making, Japanese calligraphy and traditional clothing culture. We will also be able to see the photography exhibition Japanese World Heritage. This week, Kino Udarnik will also present three Japanese ...

Important information
enote Mariborske knjižnice in Kino Udarnik, Maribor
Facebook event
Entrance fee

V tednu japonske kulture bomo spoznali različne vidike bogate kulture. Govor je o haiku poeziji, izdelavi origamija, japonski kaligrafiji in tradicionalni oblačilni kulturi. Ogledali si bomo lahko še fotografsko razstavo Japonska svetovna dediščina. V tem tednu bo Kino Udarnik predstavil tudi tri japonske filme. 


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