Youth Week 2017 in Kranj, a festival of cultural bread and sports games, is approaching. Carniola Youth Week is considered the largest youth festival in Slovenia. It offers many sports, youth, cultural, musical, educational, children's and international content. Nothing less will be offered by Youth Week 2017, which will turn the Gorenje capital into the youth capital for nine days. It will take place from 12 to 20 May 2017.
Teden mladih 2017 se bo na različnih prizoriščih in Kranj unfolded od 12. do 20. maja 2017. V tem času bo mladim nudil široko paleto aktivnosti s športno, mladinsko, kulturno, glasbeno, izobraževalno, otroško in mednarodno vsebino.
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To bo že 23., ko bo mladina zavzela gorenjsko prestolnico. Za glasbo bodo poskrbeli Lemaitre, Dječaci, Matter – Dacho, Tunja, Levanael, Koala Voice, Tetkine Radosti, zimzeleni Adi Smolar, Raggalution, Rocky Leon, Ditka, Le Serpentine, Attic Mist, Trifekta in Big Band Gimnazije Kranj. Obeta se tudi Metal večer and Festival neuveljavljenih skupin. Tisti, ki se bodo želeli spotiti, bodo lahko izbirali med Ponytlonom, Nočnim tekom po ulicah Kranja, Skate sešnom in Športno nedeljo.
Za kulturni vložek bo poskrbel Stand up – Impro: Mladi Maistro, na sporedu pa so tudi modna revija, filmski večer, Beach Party, medkulturni večer in Kiks Quiz: Pub Quiz. Del dnevnega programa bodo t. i. Hengalnica, Multikulturno igrišče in Popoldne v parku.
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