
Tell me what wine you drink - red or white - and I'll tell you who you are!

Photo: envato

Your love of wine says more about your personality than you think! The difference between whether you prefer black or white is seen in your character!

Wine lovers are most often divided into those who prefer red wine and those who prefer white wine.

The choice is of course a matter of taste for each individual, research by Coravin however, she showed that the color of wine reveals a lot about your character. The research was conducted among 2,000 red and white wine lovers who drink an average of four glasses of wine per week.

The results showed that there are people who prefer white or red wine different in character.

The magic of red wine! Photo: Terry Vlisidis / Unspalsh

Those who prefer red wine are:

  • introvened
  • humble
  • organized
  • adventurers
  • they get up early
  • loners
  • they prefer dogs to cats
  • they listen to jazz
  • willing to spend a little more for a bottle of wine
The elegance of white wine. Photo: Thomas Martinsen / Unsplash

Those who prefer white wine are:

  • extravenous
  • curious
  • sarcastic
  • perfectionists
  • they like to spend the night
  • sociable
  • they prefer cats to dogs
  • they listen to rock
  • they are not willing to spend a lot on a bottle of wine

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