
Terrafolk and Mi2

We are offered a great opportunity to hear how two groups, seemingly very different in genre, work on the same stage. Terrafolk will represent the colors of authentic Slovenian ethno in a rocker way, while the group Mi2 will provide punk rock melodies in Slovenian ...

Important information
Atrij Celjskega mladinskega centra, Mariborska cesta 2, Celje
Facebook event
Entrance fee
10 euros in advance.

Ponuja se nam odlična priložnost , da slišimo, kako se skupini, ki sta si navidezno žanrsko zelo različni delujeta na istem odru. Terrrafolk bo zastopal barve pristnega slovenska etna na rockerski način, medtem ko bo skupina Mi2 poskrbela za punk rock melodije v slovenskem jeziku. 

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