
Tesla Beach Buggy Racing 2: a game you play with the wheel from Tesla

In Los Angeles, the E3 'electronics' fair is taking place, where Elon Musk was also in the spotlight - he announced that Tesla will get a racing game that will be controlled with the steering wheel of the car. This is Tesla Beach Buggy Racing 2!

Elon Musk and technology go hand in hand, as he has proven many times. Because he is also an avid actor computer ones games, will make sure that they can enjoy the gameplay everyone the owners Tesla.

Tesla otherwise it already supports the games we know from the system Atari, but they wanted to upgrade the existing ones - a game Beach Buggy Racing 2 is a 3D game with off-road racing theme, which works on different platforms like Android, Playstation 4 and Nintendo Switch.

It's like a game Mario Card, in which players drive cards through different environments such as beaches, cities, deserts and jungles. Because we already know toy accessories such as pucks and steering wheels, the idea was to use it to manage the game existing Tesla steering wheel, quite self-explanatory!

Tesla video game
Tesla video game

They will use it at Tesla security measures, such as embedding a power-on brake while playing the game, but the car must be there while playing parked, but of course it is clear. According to Musk, Tesla drivers will be able to focus on the game while charging the car, while waiting for passengers, or just when they can.

The exact arrival of the game is not yet known, but it is a known fact that they want to stay with Tesla before competition and introduce toy technology into cars, the equivalent console units.

For more information, watch the video below, and you will find a demo of the game in time 11 minutes and 42 seconds.

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