
The Tesla Model X P90D humbles the Bentley Bentayga and the Alfa Romeo 4C Spider

Tesla vs. Bentley

The most exclusive, fastest and most powerful SUV on the planet, the Bentley Bentayga and the Tesla Model X P90D electric SUV were never meant to be direct competitors (after all, the Bentley is twice the price), but in the latest episode of Head2Head, they found themselves in an acceleration race ( drag race) "from light to light". We already wrote that the Tesla Model X P90D left behind Ferrari as a joke in this kind of race, so even the monstrous Bentley Bentayga had no real chance. Therefore, he was then challenged by the extremely fast Alfa Romeo 4C Spider, which was a non-series Tesla piece only...

Cars Bentley Bentayga and Tesla Model X P90D should not be thrown in the same bin. Last but not least, the first one is powered by an engine (6.0 liter W12 engine, who can 600 hp), while Tesla doesn't even have one! It is 100 percent electric car (531 hp). But due to their impressive characteristics, they became direct rivals through a chain of coincidences in the acceleration race (you dear duck).

READ MORE: Tesla Model X sweeps Ferrari in the acceleration race!

Tesla literally humiliates the supercar Alfa Romeo.
Tesla literally humiliates the supercar Alfa Romeo.

Bentley Bentayga Tesla Model X90 D of course in driving mode Ludicrous, which enables it to accelerate from 0 to 100 km/h in a flash 3.2 seconds, was not a mature competitor, so they put him at Head2Head challenged with super fast Alfa Romeo 4C Spider. It was a decent competitor, but only when Tesla dragged this car along on the trailer!

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