
Tesla Watch – a retro-futuristic wristwatch that even Nikola Tesla would be proud of

Tesla Watch wristwatch

Smartwatches are the latest fashion statement, but nothing beats a good old analog watch, especially if it's a Tesla Watch. And no, this is not a new project from Elon Musk, who still sticks to cars (and house batteries), so this steampunk watch is no less impressive. It was made by ThinkGeek and is sure to charm all followers of this subculture that mixes elements of science fiction and the Victorian era.

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Tesla Watch
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Tesla Watch it is neo-Victorian respectively retrofuturistic wristwatch which even the father of modern electricity would be proud of, Nikola Tesla, who was also her inspiration. The case gives the appearance aged brass and it resembles a piece you got at an antique shop and didn't order via the web. Besides leather strap it is decorated by two vacuum tubes (electrons) with an LED bulb, which can be turned on with a special switch.

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The Tesla Watch is definitely a watch that will caught the eye and with which you will engage more than any smartwatch. Not because you have to with a winding key wind up every now and then, but because it is so very different.

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