
Tesla's Autopilot predicts a traffic accident before it happens, saving the driver's life

Tesla's autopilot predicts an accident

Although opinions are still divided about the effectiveness or, better, the reliability of Tesla's Autopilot, here is new proof of how advanced technology can increase road safety. Hans Noordsij, the owner of the Tesla Model X, has it to thank for the fact that it is still in one piece today. When he was driving on the highway, Tesla's sensors - Tesla's autopilot has the ability to automatically detect danger - predicted a traffic accident in front of him and consequently slowed down the vehicle before it actually happened.

Tesla Autopilot has caused a real revolution in the last year. Although he mostly provided positive stories, he also failed a few times. But not with the Dutchman Hans Noordi. His Model X had included autopilot, when driving in the fast lane on the highway warned loudly to what was happening in front of him.

Although at first it seemed to be a mistake, but after a few seconds it is 'cracked' before him and it was clear that the alarm was raised because it was artificial intelligence detected the unadjusted speed of the vehicle in front of her, which consequently crashed into another, slower driving vehicle.

No one was seriously injured in the accident.
No one was seriously injured in the accident.

The system didn't just beep loudly, but safely slowed down and stopped the car himself. It should be added that, despite the rollover, there were no serious injuries in the accident.

READ MORE: [Video] Autonomous driving through the eyes of a Tesla car

Quick reaction Tesla's autopilot in the event of a collision and the warning before it is a new proof that it is possible to greatly increase road safety with the help of advanced technology. This type of prediction is provided by the September software update, which since then enables the detection of two vehicles in front of us, even if they are outside the driver's field of vision. The system sees in all directions and much more than a human.

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