
Tesla's Tesla Semi truck heralds a new future for cargo transportation

Tesla's Tesla Semi truck

With the Tesla truck Tesla Semi, they have been teasing us for quite some time with obscured photos, some short films and the like. Now it is finally only with us, and according to the first information, electric energy may be a completely useful thing even in trucks.

Just the fact that Tesla's Tesla Semi truck from 0 to 100 km/h speed up in le 5 seconds, sounds absolutely amazing. All this, of course, without a trailer, but even so, this is a time that most cars, let alone trucks, do not achieve. With a fully loaded trailer, approx 35 tons, reaches this speed in just twenty seconds. Tesla's truck has enough power to cope with 5-degree gradient and at speed 100 km/h. Every truck driver will be very happy about this, and even more so those who get stuck behind him on some winding mountain road.

The range of the Tesla truck is estimated at 800 kilometers in highway driving. That's as far as diesel-powered trucks can go with a full tank. Credit goes to the truck's extremely aerodynamic design, which is said to have a better drag coefficient than Bugatti Chiron. Of course, here we ask ourselves the question of how long the batteries should be charged Tesla's truck. The answer surprised us, because only 30 minutes of charging is sufficient for approx 640 kilometers of road. This requires Tesla's super-fast chargers, which are planned to be installed across Europe, and so transporting cargo with an electric truck will no longer be just science fiction.

The driver's position is placed in the middle, surrounded on each side by a touch-sensitive screen. Cameras are placed all around the truck and help check blind spots. In traffic jams, the driver can be relieved by using the autopilot system, as the truck will follow the truck in front by itself. Based on what has been presented, we can conclude that Tesla will make a revolution among trucks as well and not only among passenger cars. And with trucks with such a design, the view of the highway will also be more beautiful.


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