
Test: see if you really are as compassionate towards others as you think you are!

Photo: envato

There are people who feel someone else's suffering and can put themselves in someone else's shoes. But there are also those who are simply not touched by this and only look at themselves. How empathetic are you?

If you ask someone, they will most likely tell you that they have empathy and can feel other people's problems, but really? And you?

Are you one of those friendly people who are always ready to help or someone who prefers to stay away?

Take the test and find out:

1. A friend asks you for a big favor, will you help him?

A) It depends on the nature of the service.
B) If I can, I will do it.


2. You saw someone lose their wallet, what will you do?

A) I will take the wallet to the police.
B) I will run after him to catch up and give him the wallet.


3. How do you react when someone falls?

A) I pick it up and laugh at the same time.
B) I help him up and ask him if he's okay.

4. When do you lose control?

A) In case of complete disrespect, bad behavior and waiting in line.
B) When someone is mean for no reason.


5. You meet someone on the street who wants to interview you

A) If I'm not in a hurry, it's fine.
B) I turn in the other direction.


6. You get a valuable gift that you don't like. What do you do?

A) I openly say what I think about the gift.
B) Good intentions are important.

7. If someone asked you for the last piece of chewing gum?

A) I won't give it to him to buy them.
B) I will cut it in half and give him half.


8. You are alone with a stranger in an elevator, how do you behave?

A) I am looking at my mobile phone.
B) I calmly wait for the elevator to stop and get out as soon as possible.


More answers under A

You could be nicer! You are extremely temperamental and occasionally sarcastic, which is definitely an indication of a strong character and an open heart. Many people around you would describe you as energetic, lively and confident, but not overly friendly. It's up to you to work on it - it's all a matter of good will.

More answers under B

You are extremely compassionate! Sarcasm and selfishness are foreign words to you. Even in difficult times, think of other people and what you can do for them. Your good qualities simply radiate from you in every situation and at every age - you are an exemplary person when it comes to compassion and nobility.

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