
Thanks for being a lesson and not a mistake!

The universe always sends you exactly the person you need at that very moment.

To tell him it wasn't painful would be a lie. If she told him he hadn't hurt her in the slightest, that would be an even bigger lie.

The truth is that he left countless small wounds in her soul, mind, heart. She believed in a person made up of dream fragments, even though she knew he was just an illusion. She told him several times that she was not a person who belonged in his ideas. But he didn't leave. She was afraid of decisions, emotions, an unknown future, and she pushed him away, but in the next moment she wanted him back so madly.

He didn't understand, he didn't accept the apology. He didn't forgive. He didn't care. He wasn't someone to give her a hand and help her climb into his embrace. He left as suddenly as he had come.

She didn't believe he would. She thought he would come back, say he cared, at least a little. He didn't feel like it. Still, she couldn't get him out of her mind. She spoke with silence. She felt so stupid. She was thinking of him, even though somewhere inside she knew very well that they had no future.

But she fell into the story, into the dream, she became someone else. She wondered who this person was, because she did not recognize herself, where she got lost, where she disappeared to.

It took days, weeks, months to put it together because it fell all over the line. She met a part of herself that she never wanted to know, didn't even know could exist somewhere inside of her. That crazy infatuation with a stranger, with words, with the perfect person she created in her dreams. He now knows that he came with a purpose.

He doesn't regret anything, it wasn't a mistake. He wasn't someone you'd forget right away. He taught her an important lesson that people, no matter what you think they are, usually aren't. He was a raindrop that disappears as if it had never been there. He taught her that no expectations, good or bad, are okay.

She believed he was someone who would turn her world and his world on theirs. That there is someone who...
She believed that he was someone who would turn her world and his world on theirs. That there is someone who…

It was a lesson, not a mistake. There was someone in the universe who found her among millions of others. She believed that he was someone who would turn her world and his world on theirs. That there is someone who…

But he was just a lesson in the form of love, sent at just the right time to teach her to appreciate what she had. With him, her world would be a chaos full of pain because he didn't care. He didn't fight for her, she wasn't his priority, he just left. It was just a lesson.

She realized that she should be proud of herself and everything she has. She learned that her slightly broken heart was nothing to the loss she might have experienced if he hadn't been a lesson, but a mistake.

So she had to fall in love with his reflection in a dream, to realize again how deeply and intensely, with passion and madness, she can still love. She realized that she wanted to give him too much and that in doing so she forgot herself and lost herself. Maybe he could be the love of her life. But it was just a lesson.

He changed her, now she knows her limits and limitations!

She is grateful to life for all the little lessons, because without them she would not have become an even better version of herself.

Some people come into your life just to teach you something, and they were probably never meant to stay!

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