
Thank you for being my friend, for being with me and you will be...

Thank you for coming into my life that day. Thank you for loving me when I'm not perfect, when I'm at the bottom, without the will and strength to return your friendship and love.

Thank you for your patience, when I was putting the pieces of my life back together with your help and trying to fix what I had broken in myself. Thank you for being there, even after I said things to you that I shouldn't have, but no matter what, you stuck with me even though I was disgusting and impossible.

Thank you for me you never ignore and understand my thousands of nonsense and excuses. Thank you for being with me in hard times, it makes it easier for me to get through my battles and accept my mistakes. Thank you for allowing me to be vulnerable and not judging me for it. Thank you for knowing that you will always be there for me if I need you, and that we will always have each other no matter what.

Thank you for knowing that you will always be there for me somewhere.
Thank you for knowing that you will always be there for me somewhere.

Thank you for being someone I can count on, when I need a conversation or just a hug. Thank you for being the light in the dark days... And when I look at the hardest days of my life one day, I will remember you, you were with me when it was the hardest. Thank you for wiping my tears.

I am grateful that in a busy schedule you always find time for me that you accepted me into your life as I am, that you are ready to do many things for me. Thank you for making me your priority.

Thank you for part of your life, for your time.

Thank you for reminding me that even if something goes wrong, I still have something - you and your love. Thank you for showing me what true friendship means, one that will always stand the test of time. Thank you it's because of you every year unforgettable, full of good memories, silly moments and laughter. Thank you for being in them - you. When the year turns again, we will remember the journeys we took together, the people we met, the memories we made, the new beginnings we shared with each other.

Thank you for part of your life, for your time.
Thank you for part of your life, for your time.

Thank you you celebrate my successes and achievements with me. Thank you for your support throughout my life because I wouldn't be where I am without you. Life would be empty without you. Thank you for the time you gave me when my world stopped, when I broke down under the weight of emotions, for being my support, for being there, for me.

Thank you for letting me know I can always count on you, no matter what, that I can trust you, I know that you will be by my side when I have no more words, when I let myself down. Thank you for helping me survive, hope, dream, love, cry - live.

Thank you for knowing that I can always count on you,
Thank you for knowing that I can always count on you,

Thank you for being my friend, yes you have been here all these years and that you will be with me in the years ahead. Because when I know that you are here, that you are in my life, I feel safe, no matter what happens, I know that YOU will be there.

Thank you for being here for me - NOW - in these times when trust, love and respect are so rare. Thanks for being – HERE, friend! I love you.

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