
With ingenious packaging, this company reduced shipping damage by as much as 80 %

Thanks to ingenious packaging, this company has reduced shipping damage to their bikes by as much as 80 %.

Unlike the giants of various industries, startups cannot rely on an abundance of funds, so they have to look elsewhere for their opportunities. The secret to success often lies in an innovative approach.

Dutch company VanMoof, which deals with production of electric and smart bicycles, until recently faced a difficult problem - their products, worth several thousand euros, often crashed during delivery injuries, which was reflected in lost profit.

Many would have expected VanMoof to start using stronger and more durable boxes, but the bike manufacturer decided to test much more elegant and cheaper idea.

Innovation knows no bounds.
Innovation knows no bounds.

According to the words The paw of Carlier, co-founder of the company, those responsible wanted to find an answer to the question, which products are handled carefully by the couriers. They soon remembered the packaging for flat screen TV, which is same size and shape like the box they ship their bikes in.

The new packaging method immediately bore fruit - VanMoof found that it did reduced the share of damaged cargo by as much as 80 %.

The change in the packaging method was reflected in excellent results.
The change in the packaging method was reflected in excellent results.

They wanted to keep the secret to success for themselves as long as possible, but the plan backfired, so the company now hopes that the method will not be exploited by competitors. In this case, the efficiency would most likely begin to drop sharply.

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