
This makes you "BETTER": intelligent people do this, average people don't

It makes you "BETTER": intelligent people do this, average people don't

What is the key to success and why are some people more intelligent? Are they more interested in things than average people? Were they simply born under a lucky star and are successful? Or are they talented?

Intelligent people do this, average people don't…

1. They also learn from other people's mistakes, not just their own.
Smart people often don't make the same mistakes that others have made. They learn from other people's mistakes and successes. But that doesn't mean smart people don't learn from their mistakes.
2. They are not 'nerds'.
Smart people realize that skills like effective communication can only be acquired by actually talking to colleagues in the field. They wish they had all the skills that people would ask of them. This is the key to people who are not 'nerds' but have life knowledge.

They accept responsibility.
They accept responsibility.

3. They rest and recharge their batteries.
Successful people work hard and then 'switch off' so they can regroup their minds and strengthen their bodies. If you've been taxing your body, consider taking a 'weekend break' or more. When you get back to work, you'll be more effective at getting the results you want.
4. They fight with themselves.
Smart people realize that their brains make mistakes too. Most people also go unnoticed until they make a mistake. In order to be 100% sure that they have done the right thing, they deliberately initiate minor confrontations of opinion.
5. They are constantly learning.
Smart people believe that learning never ends. This does not mean that they necessarily improve it through school education, but rather learn from others, from books, magazines or conferences.

Smart people also learn from other people's mistakes.
Smart people also learn from other people's mistakes.

6. They evaluate their options.
The choices you make and the choices you make are what define your personality. Smart people evaluate every option at hand before deciding on any of them. The basic idea is to avoid making bad decisions by always trying different options before settling on the right one.
7. They accept responsibility.
Smart people know that they are the masters of their own destiny. You've probably never heard them complain about the things that stopped them from succeeding. You won't hear excuses from them, you'll see them on their way to success.

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