
That's why their relationship is successful: 4 things emotionally stable people never do in a relationship!

"For happiness in love and life, it is enough to have only one thing - a stable mental state." - Mikhail Labkovsky

Toxic relationships leave you feeling stuck on a merry-go-round of emotions. They are like a disease, full of ups and downs. They can also push you into addiction.

When you are emotionally unstable, you often seek out any kind of attention from the person you love. You are looking for crumbs that may not even be there. You become insecure and want to accept back people who have drained you emotionally. People who don't want you in their lives.

Believe it or not, many people don't even know what an emotionally stable and secure relationship looks like.

What do emotionally stable people not do in relationships?

They don't shut down their emotions

Emotionally stable people like it when you are open and vulnerable. You can talk to them about how much you love them without scaring them. They talk to you about their deep feelings. They express their feelings in a healthy way. They like to be able to show their emotions and face them.

Emotionally stable people don't shut down their emotions.
Emotionally stable people don't shut down their emotions.

They know you are not their property

Independence is something natural for them. They trust each other and do not complain, they are not angry with you because you did not immediately answer their text or call. They are emotionally stable, they do not struggle with jealousy. They trust their partners. They feel safe inside.

They are not playing with you

Emotionally stable people know what they want and do it. They will not run and hide. They don't play mind games and ignore you every few days. They will let you know that they love you and care about you. They are not afraid of a long-term relationship because they know what they want. You won't have to guess what their motives are because they will be open and honest with each other. Emotionally insecure people, on the other hand, will always have multiple options open to them. They fear commitment.

THEY ARE NOT TOying with you!
THEY ARE NOT TOying with you!

They don't have unrealistic expectations for their partners

Emotionally insecure people set unrealistic expectations of what their ideal partner should be like. But they do not realize that they will never find their dream partner, because such a person does not exist! Therefore, they will not be happy with anyone. Emotionally stable people accept their partners as they are. With all the scars, wounds and baggage. They love without pretense.

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