
That's why you should always close your bedroom door at night!

Many people sleep with the bedroom door open, either because we are used to it, we want better air in the room, or we don't close it to hear the children better. In fact, almost 60 percent of people and no one thinks too much about it - but they should. This can decide life and death!

The FSRI Fire Safety Research Institute has done extensive work in America research. The result showed the following: most people believe that it is safer to sleep with the bedroom door open. In fact, the opposite is true! Namely, when the door is closed, in case of fire the spread of the fire slows down, the amount of toxic smoke decreases, the oxygen level in the room improves and the temperature decreases.

Keep your bedroom door closed!

You only have a few minutes to escape the fire

Over the past few decades, the average time to escape a fire has dropped from 17 minutes to only 3 minutes and less! The reason for this is the increased amount artificial materials in premises – in furniture and decorative objects. In addition, the open floor plan of the house/apartment is also more dangerous for the spread of fire.

In the USA, in a major campaign, security organizations in cooperation with firefighters warned the public that closed doors play a decisive role and can save lives. They also advise that the door to the children's room must be closed.


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