
The 10 most common regrets people have before death, according to psychologists

So that you won't regret it on your deathbed

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Photo: Pexels / Olly

Thinking about the regrets that people often have on their deathbeds can be extremely enlightening. It is well known in psychology that reflecting on our mortality can provide a powerful perspective on life.

In this article we will explore “The 10 most common regrets people have before death, according to psychology". Through this research, we can discover ways to live more fully, with fewer regrets.

1. Live life true to yourself

One of the most important lessons that many learn too late is the importance of authenticity. Regret often comes from living up to others' expectations instead of your own. People often express regret that they didn't have the courage to live the life they wanted, instead they lived according to the expectations of others.

It's a powerful reminder to follow our own path. To live authentically and sincerely, to make decisions based on our values and aspirations, not on what we think will please others.

2. Investing time in relationships

As social creatures, we crave connections and relationships. However, in the rush of everyday life, we often neglect these important bonds. We often regret not investing enough time in the relationships that really mean a lot to us.

Thich Nhat Hanh said: "The most precious gift we can offer others is our presence." Let's remember to invest time in relationships and be truly present with the people we love.

3. Letting go of the ego

Ego often drives our decisions and actions, which can lead to regrets. Many people regret letting their ego get the better of them. They wish they lived with less pride and more humility.

Letting go of the ego is key to living with full effect and minimal ego. Let's not let regret catch us off guard.

4. Acceptance of changes

Changes are a constant in life. Yet many of us reject them, clinging to what is familiar and comfortable. We often regret not being more open to change, taking advantage of more opportunities and venturing into the unknown.

Alan Watts said: "The only way to make sense of change is to immerse ourselves in it, move with it and dance with it." Let's embrace change and live life to the fullest.

Photo: Pexels / Italo Melo

5. Understanding and living according to your values

Many people regret before they die that they did not live up to their values. Instead, they let social pressures or current trends guide their decisions.

Understanding our values helps us make decisions that align with our true selves. This is a key step to living a life full of authenticity and fulfillment.

6. Health care

Health is our greatest wealth, but we often take it for granted. Many people regret not taking better care of their health. They want to eat healthier, exercise regularly and manage stress more effectively.

It's never too late to start taking care of your health. Small daily habits can lead to big improvements in our overall well-being.

7. Practicing gratitude

Gratitude has a powerful effect on our outlook on life. Many people regret spending too much time focusing on what they don't have instead of appreciating what they do have.

Gratitude helps us appreciate simple joys, acknowledge the kindness of others, and recognize our own accomplishments. Let's incorporate gratitude into our daily routine and notice how it positively affects our well-being.

8. Following passions

Life is too short not to follow what makes us truly happy. Many people regret not allowing themselves to follow their passions. They wish they could spend less time on work or responsibilities and more time on what brought them joy.

Steve Jobs said: “The only way to be truly satisfied is to do what we believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what we do.” We follow our passions and create a life that makes us happy.

9. Accepting imperfection

In a world that often steers us toward perfection, embracing imperfection can seem counterintuitive. However, this is a key aspect of a regret-free life. Many people regret the energy they spent on the pursuit of perfection. They wish they could accept their faults and imperfections and live more freely.

Our imperfections make us unique. They are part of our story, our journey. Let's accept them and live authentically.

10. To forgive and release

Holding grudges and grudges can weigh heavily on our hearts. Many people regret not forgiving and letting go of past hurts. They want to be freed from these negative emotions and live a more peaceful and joyful life.

To forgive does not mean to forget or justify harmful actions, but rather to release oneself from the burden of resentment. Let's make a conscious decision today to forgive and let go of past hurts. It is a liberating step towards a life without regrets.


Understanding these common regrets can offer us invaluable insights for a more fulfilled life. From embracing imperfection to investing in relationships, from practicing gratitude to letting go of ego, each of these lessons can lead us to live with fewer regrets and more joy.

Let's not forget that it is never too late to start living authentically and in accordance with our values. Seize the day, follow our passions, and live a life we're proud of. After all, we only get one shot at this journey called life. Let's make the most of it.

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