
The 65th Ljubljana Festival will open with the performance of Carmina Burana

The famous exclamation to the ruler of the world "Oh, Fortuna!" will open the 65th edition of the Ljubljana Festival this year, which on the opening night will stage a magnificent scenic cantata for symphony orchestra, choir and singing soloists Carmina Burana in the spectacle of the famous theater group La Fura dels Baus from Barcelona and a powerful vocal-instrumental corps from all over Slovenia.

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Congress square, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
from €9.00

After a rousing presentation of the track June 8, 1937 is the author Carl Orff wrote to the publisher: "Everything that I have written so far and that you, unfortunately, have printed, you can put in old paper! S Carmina Burano my works are beginning!” The cantata, which is actually intended for stage performance, consists of 24 movements in which they perform orchestra, choir and three soloists. The 11th and 12th century text is mostly in medieval Latin, but also in Old German and French, and presents a wide range of secular themes about happiness, prosperity, the transience of life, spring, about the pleasures and dangers of drinking, gambling, gluttony and lust.

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Group La Fura dels Baus, which uses a combination for its unforgettable events music, light effects, video, film, acrobatics and dance and exceptional scenography, she performed the scenic cantata Carmina Burana in Barcelona and Madrid in the spring, and on June 27th we will be able to see it on our stages as part of the Ljubljana Festival.

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