
The 65th Berlinale: the international film festival is just around the corner

In the first half of February, during the film award season in Berlin, this year, too, everything will revolve around the 65th Berlinale International Film Festival, where 19 of the 400 films screened will compete for awards, and 21 will have their world premiere.

It's at the door 65th edition of the highly anticipated international film festival every year Berlinale, which means nothing more than that most of the details are also known. In ten days, between February 5 and 15, will thus appear on the film screens of this celebrated festival 400 movies, 19 of them will compete for of the golden and silver bear. Among the films coming from all over the world, for example, from Albania, Belgium, Guatemala, Iran, Mexico, Spain, Vietnam, Great Britain, America, China and Kosovo, there will be world premiere experienced 21 films.

The start of the Berlinale on February 5 will be accompanied by the world premiere of the Spanish director's latest work Isabelle Coixet with Title Nobody Wants the Night. The Spanish-French-Bulgarian co-production adventure film presents the story of a brave woman and an ambitious man who would risk everything for love and fame.

Among the more high-profile films competing for prestigious awards are also new film products Terrence Malick with Title Knight of Cups (Knight of Cups) which will be with the two players Christian Bale and Natalie Portman at the helm at the Berlinale also had its world premiere, and they also aroused interest 45 years (45 years) in directing Andrew Haigh and Mr. Holmes, Cinderella (Cinderella), Everything will be okay (Every Thing Will Be Fine) and Elser (13 Minutes). The latter four will be broadcast out of competition.

The films of the competition program are:

I'm having an affair!, directed by Radu Jude
Romania / Bulgaria / Czech Republic

The pearl button (El botón de nácar), directed by Patricio Guzmán
France / Chile / Spain

Club (El Club), directed by Pablo Larraín

Elser (13 Minutes), directed by Oliver Hirschbiegel

Everything Will Be Fine, directed by Wim Wenders
Germany / Canada / France / Sweden / Norway

Chasuke's Journey (Ten no chasuke), directed by Sabu

Sworn virgin (Vergine giurata), directed by Laura Bispuri
Italy / Switzerland / Germany / Albania / Kosovo

45 Years (45 Years), directed by Andrew Haigh
United Kingdom

Als wir träumten (As We Were Dreaming), directed by Andreas Dresen
Germany / France

Body, directed by Malgorzata Szumowska

Cha và con và (Big Father, Small Father and Other Stories), directed by Di Phan Dang
Vietnam / France / Germany / Netherlands

Cinderella, directed by Kenneth Branagh

Eisenstein and Guanajuato, directed by Peter Greenaway
Netherlands / Mexico / Belgium / Finland

Ixcanul (Ixcanul Volcano), directed by Jayro Bustamante
Guatemala / France

Journal d'une femme de chambre (Diary of a Chambermaid), directed by Benoit Jacquot
France / Belgium

Knight of Cups, directed by Terrence Malick

Mr. Holmes (Mr. Holmes), directed by Bill Condon
United Kingdom

Nobody Wants the Night, directed by Isabel Coixet
Spain / France / Bulgaria

Under Electric Clouds, directed by Alexey German
Russia / Ukraine / Poland

Queen of the Desert, directed by Werner Herzog

Taxi, directed by Jafar Panahi

Victoria, directed by Sebastian Schipper

Yi bu zhi yao (Gone with the Bullets), directed by Wen Jiang
People's Republic of China / USA / Hong Kong, China

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