
The ARTish art festival returns under the blue sky

The sale and exhibition art festival ARTish is once again moving outdoors, under the blue sky, to the center of Ljubljana.

Important information
Gornji trg, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
Entry is free

Old City center will get a new reason to visit. On the last Saturday of every month, ARTish, a festival that celebrates art in all its forms, comes out again. For the third year in a row, Slovenian and foreign artists and creators will present themselves. Free workshops will also be available for visitors, which will pleasantly brighten up the summer days. Artistic visit every last Saturday of the month, until the end of September.

The Artish art festival will take place this year for the third year in a row.
The Artish art festival will take place this year for the third year in a row.

See more photos from the previous art festival in the gallery

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