
Atlas of Beauty: Insanely Good Portraits of Women from Around the World

Every year, in various beauty contests, we can get to know a thousand and one female faces that come from the most remote corner of the world, but these portraits of women are somehow taken out of context, because the girls pose on stage and catwalks, instead of in their natural environment. This was done by a traveler from Romania, Mihaela Noroc, who captured the beauty of women in their cultural environment during her trip around the world, and called her project - Atlas of Beauty - ''The Atlas Of Beauty''.

Although we like to say that there are extremely beautiful Russian women and Swedish women, Slovenian beauty has no equal anyway, the fact is that female beauty it is not limited by borders or conditioned by nationality. And portraits of women from all over the world that she took Mihaela Noroc for their project "The Atlas of Beauty", they prove it. Beauty standards are cultural constructs because beauty does not depend from the amount of makeup used and measurements, but from whether you are, what you are.

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Although the fictional ideals of beauty he creates for us fashion industry, they say how we should be and most fall for it, but we should realize that we are beautiful precisely because because we are different. Beauty is a relative term, because every eye has its own painter.

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