
The Barisieur: An alarm clock that makes you coffee

Can you imagine being woken up in the morning by the gentle sound and smell of freshly brewed coffee? To all of us coffee-aholics, who get out of bed on a rainy morning only by the thought of a warm and fragrant morning coffee, which will give us the impetus to start the new day, this sounds too heavenly. Three cheers for British designer Joshua Renuof and his The Barisieur - an alarm clock that makes us coffee!

Oh, how difficult it is sometimes (read almost always…) to get up in the morning. Especially on those mornings, when we are woken up by a particularly loud sound of the alarm, a look out the window reveals only puddles and greyness, and a bunch of unpleasant obligations await us at work or at the college. So we are always in a hurry in the morning, and if the day starts out stressful, it is difficult to continue in any other way. Of course, we need more when we are pressed for time morning dose of caffeine, which will bring us to an approximately normal state for daily functioning.

Combination of alarm clock and cooker
Combination of alarm clock and cooker

He is clearly still well aware of his morning headaches British designer Joshua Renuof. That's how it came about The Barisieur: an alarm clock that makes us coffee. Instead of the annoying buzzing of the alarm, we are woken up by the sound of steel balls moving while water for coffee boils on the induction plate. Of course, we have to prepare everything necessary (coffee, milk, water, sugar) for morning coffee the night before, but the dream product gives us an additional benefit: evening ritual coffee preparation tells our body that it is time to relax. So we go to bed relaxed and have a refreshing and beauty sleep, and when we open our eyes in the morning, our morning cup of coffee is already waiting for us. A must-have!

See what the combination of an alarm clock and a coffee maker looks like in our photo gallery.

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