
The Bartz brothers and their giant snow sculptures

Especially on the Asian side of the world, various artists from all over the world gather every year for snow festivals, where they create incredible sculptures from ice and snow. But not the Bartz brothers from New Brighton, Minnesota (USA), who have chosen the yard in front of their house to display their masterpieces for the fourth year in a row. This year they carved a 3 and a half meter turtle.

Most of us try to make a snowman out of snow, but we don't Austin, Connor, and Trevor Bartz, who, after shark, walrus and puffer fish, tackled more turtles namely similar to how we start making an igloo (if we hollow it out). They gathered a pile of snow in a pile, pounded it, and then chiseled it for several weeks to get the desired shape. Witness that they are seriously committed to the project 300 hours of work invested. Yes, slow goes a long way.

READ MORE: Icehotel: The Swedish pop-up hotel has reopened its icy doors

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