
The best and most accurate horoscope in the world is… the Celtic Zodiac

Horoscope you don't know yet!

Photo: Poco

Celtic - check what it says about your personality and life! The ancient people had their animal circle of 13 animal signs and 13 tree signs, which according to the lunar me describes the characteristics of an individual born in a certain period.

The nature of each animal species included in the Celtic animal circle says a lot about a person's personality, and we can learn a lot about ourselves from the findings of the Celtic Druids.

The Celts respected the cycles of nature and observed the succession of years, seasons, months - and each full moon reflected a different personality associated with a particular animal.

Deer (December 24 - January 20)

Patient, consistent, serious. Undoubtedly, these are people of tribal nature and can be trusted. But they can cross their boundaries to achieve what they want. Their biggest weakness is that they tend to justify the means to the ends.

Deer. Photo: Nicolas Lysandrou / Unsplash

Cat (January 21 - February 17)

Smart, charming and attractive person. They know how to please other people, but also how to be the center of attention. In love relationships, they can be somewhat manipulative and prone to games. They appear graceful and cool on the outside, but are often very insecure on the inside.

A cat. Photo: Pacto Visual / Unsplash

Snake (February 18-March 17)

They are extremely curious and tend to cross boundaries and take risks in life. They are born winners and fight hard for their ambitions. These are almost always successful people. However, they find a balance between the family and business aspects of life.

Snake. Photo: Timothy Dykes/Unsplash

Fox (March 18 - April 14)

Cunning, brave and very persuasive. This is energy in its purest form. However, they know how to go on an adventure and completely ignore the consequences. They are ready to turn any situation to their advantage. They are extremely capable.

Fox. Photo: Qijin Xu/Unsplash

Taurus (April 15 - May 12)

These are pleasant people who will bring joy into your life. Many admire their tact. However, in situations where they are hurt, they find it difficult to control their words. Communication can be their strength, but also their greatest weakness. As friends they are great and amazing, but as enemies they are cruel.

Bull. Photo: Thorsten Messing/Unsplash

Seahorse (May 13 - June 9)

This is a flexible person who can adapt to any environment. If he takes up a business, he will surely bring it to a successful conclusion. However, these people are susceptible to flattery. In love relationships, they can be extremely tactful and even prone to games.

Sea Horse. Photo: David Clode/Unsplash

Nightingale (June 10 - July 7)

These are individuals who can support and motivate any person. They have developed empathy, feel the sadness of others on a physical level and strive to help and care for those in need. However, it is difficult to build a personal relationship with them. They give all the zeal of their souls to other people.

Nightingale. Photo: David Clode/Unsplash

Horse (July 8 - August 4)

Quirky, stubborn, persistent, vengeful. But for friends, they are ready to give everything they have, their fiery temperament leads them to a winning path in life, but in love they are prone to conflicts and find it difficult to find a second half.

Horse. Photo: Silje Midtgard / Unsplash

Salmon (August 5 - September 1)

They listen and absorb all information, constantly develop their intellect. They have strict self-control, they never argue with anyone. These people are sociable and enjoy respect for their environment. Their hearts appear cold and closed, but in reality they are tender and fragile.

Salmon. Photo: Drew Farwell/Unsplash

The Swan (September 2 - September 29)

These are usually people with style. They have a sense of aesthetics. They know how to enjoy this world. However, they can be arrogant. They prefer to communicate with people from their circle, it is difficult to make new acquaintances. They have many abilities and talents.

Swan. Photo: Erik Van Dijk / Unsplash

Butterfly (September 30 - October 27)

These are extremely positive people - optimists by nature. They are conscientious and unobtrusive. They tend to idealize other people, but if they are disappointed, they stop forever. Their drawback is that they can be hidden narcissists.

Butterfly. Photo: Boris Smokrovic / Unsplash

Dog (October 28 - November 24)

He is able to be loyal to the cause, friends and loved ones. But if you hurt him, he can leave forever and become indifferent. These people will always support you, but they can be especially sensitive. They are often disappointed in love, but they believe in eternal love, and they search for it until they find it.

A dog. Photo: Jamie Street/Unsplash

Sokol (November 25 - December 23)

Dominant by nature. He always achieves his goals and fulfills his promises. You can count on him. Many people would love to have them in their lives. However, he respects only his equals and always wants to establish superiority over others.

Falcon. Photo: Luca / Unsplash

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