Photo: Freepki

Best Jumping Swings: For All Fitness Levels

Whether you are a beginner or a CrossFit star!

Looking for the best skipping ropes for your daily cardio, CrossFit or HIIT workout? Then check our selection!

An affordable and compact piece of exercise equipment is a swing that belongs in every home gym or gym bag. This small but powerful gadget can completely change your training. Fitness trainer dr. Janine Delaney, who is known for her sculpted figure and impressive swing moves, says: “The swing is a great and fun way to lose weight and burn fat and calories. Most people see seesaw jumping as an activity for children, but it also has many benefits for adults, especially individuals over 40 years of age.” Delaney also started swinging at age 43, mostly because she wasn't a fan of running and was looking for another form of cardio.


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When it comes to the benefits of skydiving, they are huge. "The swing raises endorphins, which puts you in a good mood and increases your energy and libido," says Delaney. “What most people don't know is that jumping on a seesaw will actually burn more fat and calories than running, swimming or cycling. Not only does it use your cardiovascular system, but it also helps build muscle strength, improve coordination and even speed up your metabolism.”

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Delaney says you don't need to be athletic or coordinated to start swinging, but she adds that making sure your rope is properly sized for your height, as well as maintaining good posture, is essential. If you're new to see-sawing, Delaney offers these important tips:

Hand position

Keep your chest up, core tight and arms close to your body. If the arms are too far away from the body, the length of the swing will be shortened and you are likely to trip.

Use your wrists

The cradle definitely means you're working from your wrists instead of moving your hands.

Keep your head up

Timing is of the essence when swinging, and if you look down and watch yourself jump the rope, you will most likely trip. A better approach is to look straight ahead and jump when the rope crosses your line of sight, which will provide a better rhythm as you skip.

Record a video

Practice makes perfect and only daily practice will help you get better and better. Watch exercise videos on YouTube to help you visualize the correct movement, and record yourself to make sure you're doing it right.

Correct rope length

To adjust your rope, stand with one foot in the middle of the rope and bring both handles up to your shoulders. The rope should come up to your shoulders, no higher and no lower. Buy a rope that you can adjust to your height or one that already fits your height.

Now that you know the basics, it's time to choose the perfect swing to add to your fitness repertoire. The type of swing you buy will depend on your goal. Always consult your doctor before starting any exercise regimen. These are the best swings for skipping!

The best swings for skipping

Zadnja posodobitev 2025-03-06 / Partnerske povezave / Vir fotografij: Amazon Product Advertising API

Best-selling swings on Amazon.de

Zadnja posodobitev 2025-03-02 / Partnerske povezave / Vir fotografij: Amazon Product Advertising API

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