
The biggest highlights and "hits" on the red carpets in 2014

Celebrity dresses on red carpets are sometimes true masterpieces that take our breath away. Other times, however, they are, to put it mildly, somewhat less fortunate (khm...). The year 2014 was no different in this regard either, as we could admire the highlights in the photos from the red carpets, and at the same time enjoy the "quicks".

At the end of December, we can turn 2014 upside down with photos from the red carpets of the biggest annual celebrity events. The Oscars, the Cannes Film Festival, the Met Gala, the Grammys, the Golden Globe Awards and other nights are events where actors, singers and other stars come to show off their outfits, for which they usually shell out a fortune. At the same time, some tasks really look fabulous in the light of headlights and camera flashes, while others are a little less fortunate...

Check out the photos of the biggest highlights and "hits" on the red carpets in 2014 in our photo gallery!

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