
The biggest Lions dessert of 2015 – this time a cheese roll in the length of Petr Prevac's record-breaking flight

Biggest Lions dessert of 2015

On Saturday, May 23, 2015, Stritarjeva ulica in Tromostovje will be too short for the longest, heaviest and tastiest cheese roll from Žito, as it will measure as much as 250 meters, the distance that our jumping ace Peter Prevc flew as the first person in history. It is the 6th charity event of the Biggest Lions dessert, where funds will be collected to help blind and partially sighted children and young people through the sale of the wrapper.

Important information
Tromostovje, Stritarjeva Street
Facebook event
Entrance fee
Free of charge

Small a piece for the visitor, big for blind and visually impaired children and young people. Well, even for the visitor, the piece will not be so small, but it will be a piece with the purchase 250 meters long desserts from Zito, which he will be able to rinse with Cockto Black Tonic, added an important stone to the mosaic of easing the lives of visually impaired children who are cared for at Institute for Blind and Visually Impaired Youth Ljubljana. Collected money from sales on Tramostovje (Stritarjeva ulica) will also go to the continuation of the creative project I feel the characters and for the organization of the September international camping trip. With the length of the cheese wrap, the organizers bow to the record length the flight of Petr Prevac in Vikersund, and with this they will also improve their own record mark from years ago, when they aimed for 156.5 meters with half a ton rolls.

READ MORE: Happy Volunteer Day

The longest Lions dessert to date is already in the works.
The longest Lions dessert to date is already in the works.

The Institute for Blind and Visually Impaired Youth in Ljubljana will use the money for purchase of equipment for the pottery workshop and investing in education, because the blind and partially sighted are extremely skilled, creative and have a sense of creativity, so they want to offer them the best possible conditions for creative leisure time.

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