
The biggest mistakes when caring for colored hair: 6 things you should never do

Photo: envato

Why is your hair color fading faster than you would like? Do they become dry and brittle? You may be making some basic mistakes in hair care after coloring.

Hair coloring is a popular way to change your appearance. From light blonde shades to bold reds and deep black tones, hair coloring allows us to express our uniqueness.

It often happens that after a few weeks the color fades and the hair becomes dry and brittle. Why does this happen despite using expensive shampoos and conditioners.

The key to beautiful dyed hair is not only in choosing the right one colors or care products, but also in the way how you treat your hair after coloring. For example, did you know that washing your hair immediately after coloring can cause the color to fade quickly? Or that using too hot water can contribute to this?

Learn about the most common mistakes and discover how you can achieve big results with small changes.

Washing hair with shampoo immediately after dyeing

Don't overdo it with irons, etc. Photo: Enginakyurt / Pexels

One of the most common mistakes is washing with shampoo immediately after dyeing. After dyeing, it is best to wait at least 72 hours before washing. The hair cuticle takes about three days to close completely, allowing the color molecules to penetrate deeper and attach better to the hair. Thus, the color becomes more durable and lasts longer.

Excessive washing

Chemicals in dyes make hair more sensitive to water. However, this does not mean that you have to stop washing your hair completely - it is enough to introduce some small and simple changes.

After shampooing and using conditioner, avoid the temptation to tilt your head back and let the water run over your hair for a few minutes. Instead, a great alternative is to use a dry shampoo that will absorb all the oil from the hair.

Rinse with warm water

When washing your hair, set the water temperature to lukewarm or cold. Warm water lifts the outer layer of the hair cuticle, which is one of the most common reasons for rapid color fading. The higher the water temperature, the faster the color fades.

Not using conditioner for colored hair

Colored hair is more prone to becoming dry, brittle and brittle. Therefore, it is best to take care of them by using conditioners designed for colored hair. These conditioners create a protective barrier that prevents the color from washing off quickly.

Use dry shampoos. Photo: Karolina Grabowska / Pexels

Be sure to use the balm after every wash. Leave-in conditioners are also an excellent choice, as they help retain moisture in the hair for a longer period of time.

Rough drying with a towel

Rubbing your hair excessively with a towel can cause the color to fade faster and the ends to become extremely dry and even damaged. Instead, gently blow dry your hair and let it dry as naturally as possible.

Excessive use of design tools

Colored hair is more sensitive to heat. To avoid damaging your hair, apply a heat protectant spray to your hair before using heat styling tools. This will prevent the heat from destroying the hair.

With colored hair, proper care is key to keep the color bright and long-lasting, and the hair healthy and strong.

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