
The black comedy The Grand Budapest Hotel opens the Berlinale today

Comedy drama Grand Budapest Hotel

The film Grand Budapest Hotel, by the famous director Wes Anderson, opens the 64th Berlin Film Festival today. This screening will also be the world premiere of the film. We will be able to see the film from March 27, exclusively only in Kinodvor.

A case of black comedy, which outlines life and adventure Gustav H, a legendary manager in a famous European hotel Grand Budapest Hotel and the porter, who becomes his closest confidant.

Elegant art deco aesthetics, British humor and top actors let us know already in the trailer why the film Grand Budapest Hotel has the honor of opening this year's Berlinale.

We will be able to watch the film in Slovenia from March 27 further, exclusively in Cinema hall.

Info Box

Comedy drama
Grand Budapest Hotel
(The Grand Budapest Hotel, Germany, USA, 2014)
Directed by: Wes Anderson. They play: Ralph Fiennes, Jude Law, Tilda Swinton, Adrien Brody, Bill Murray, Edward Norton, Owen Wilson, Harvey Keitel, Jason Schwartzman, Willem Dafoe, Jeff Goldblum, F. Murray Abraham.

27. 3., Kinodvor

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