
The most ticklish toys of the future

Better than Chocolate: For couples. It flashes to the rhythm of the music.

In the field of high-tech erotic accessories, the future promises quite a few titillating innovations for women.

At the electronics fair CES in Las Vegas was presented underwear that you or someone close to you can control with the help of an Andriod or iOS application in such a way that it will give you a massage in intimate areas. Now you will be able to "relax" anywhere and anytime and no one will know. The idea is owned by the company OhMyBod, which manufactures modern sexual accessories.

High-tech vibrators are connected to mobile devices and offer relaxation to music or a soundtrack that your husband can also record himself to (if you really can't live without him). The thing works by vibrating to the beat of your favorite song, and as you turn up the volume, the intensity of the vibrations increases. Minimalistic designed vibrators OhMyBod are available in many versions.

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