
The Cloud - an interactive light in the form of a cloud

The Cloud is an interactive cloud-shaped light that conjures up a real summer storm in the safe haven of your home.

The interactive light in the form of a cloud with built-in sensors detects the presence of the owner in the room and, coordinated with his movement, arranges real weather spectacles.

A light that is a real art installation.
A light that is a real art installation.

The light shines, flashes and thunders. In addition to light bulbs that change color, it also has a built-in speaker that, in addition to thunder, Bluetooth links plays our favorite music.

The Cloud flashes and thunders.
The Cloud flashes and thunders.

An interesting idea came to an innovative designer To Richard Clarkson, who is known for his extremely interesting sense of design. The Cloud, an interactive cloud-shaped light, combines his love of experimenting with colors, materials and textures. We can spruce up our apartment for $3,500, which is the cost of an interesting cloud that definitely leaves an impression.

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