
The coolest Piaggio Ciao in the world

Coolest Piaggio: Piaggio Racer

Piaggio Ciao is known to everyone, and it has been talked about a lot recently, when the law on motor vehicles was changed. But that's not even important now, because we're going to focus on one of the most interesting examples of this popular motorcycle. Here is the Piaggio Racer.

In Italy, on the outskirts of Milan, lies the small village of Orrigio. In it you will find OMT Garage and in it two brothers who practically grew up there. The beginnings date back to the year 1978, and in recent years the two brothers managed to turn the garage into a real motorcycle studio, where various "off-the-shelf" conversions see the light of day. Processed Piaggio, Piaggio Racer,  it has a low and narrow frame for stability at higher speeds, while the seat is made of cork and the fuel tank is small, which further contributes to less weight motorcycle.

Piaggo Racer: the coolest Piaggio
Piaggo Racer: the coolest Piaggio

Piaggio was the first motorcycle that the brothers had in theirs 14 years, and in honor of that they decided to remake it Piaggio Ciao PX, year 1982. The two-stroke engine is completely rebuilt, and its displacement is from the factory 49 cubic centimeters increased to 75 cubic centimeters. Added electric ignition and a lighter flywheel. The brake has been removed from the first wheel, so this fast little guy only stops on the last wheel. It is certainly one of the most interesting motorcycles that will attract many admiring glances.

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