
The couple took pictures of their breakup. People don't know what to think.

Love is wonderful and many people want to perpetuate the partnership in which I feel at home. But what happens if someone decides to document their breakup? The young couple did exactly that, causing an avalanche of confused responses. The photos are really emotional and we certainly go on a real emotional merry-go-round with them. But what do we feel when we look at them?

That's them Harrison Bach and Jacqueline Martin, two 22-year-olds who were together for 3 years before ending their romantic relationship just over a year ago.

Jacqueline Martin and Harrison Bach
Jacqueline Martin and Harrison Bach

Harrison said the problems started when Jacqueline moved from her hometown of Detroit to Los Angeles, but that was only a drop in the bucket of problems they encountered later. And it was Harrison who got this rather strange idea for some. If couples in long-term relationships can be photographed, why not photograph a couple that is breaking up? And so photos that should have been sarcastic and artistic became something very emotional.

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How did the general public react when the photos went viral? Although Harrison's friends on Facebook were very quick to connect with the photos and see themselves in them, the general public is much more confused or divided when looking at the photos and going on this emotional rollercoaster.
But both Jacqueline and Harrison don't care about public opinion. Despite the breakup, they remained good friends who see each other several times. "Getting away from the whole process was very difficult. It took a lot of discipline and practice not to fall in love again, and when I look at the photos today, I vividly remember every single thing about him that made me fall in love and every single thing I did wrong. These photos are proof that love is greater than pain, suffering and passion and can become something liberating," added Jacqueline.

Gallery - photos of the young couple's breakup

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