
The Cranberries

After a few years of silence due to the breakup of the cult alternative group The Cranberries at the beginning of this millennium, the members decided to return to the concert stage. Although their music has been classified as alternative rock, it often contains admixtures of different musical genres, such as

After a few years of silence due to the breakup of the cult alternative group The Cranberries at the beginning of this millennium, the members decided to return to the concert stage. Although their music has been classified as alternative rock, it often contains admixtures of different musical genres, such as indie, indie pop, rock, post-punk, irish folk in mnoge druge. Skupina je svojo glasbeno pot začela leta 1989 v irskem mestu Limerick, ko sta skupino The Cranberries ustanovila brata Noel in Mike Hogan. Skupaj z bobnarjem Fergalom Lawlerjem sta našla pevko Dolores O’Riordan, katere prodoren glas je skupini prislužil še dodatno prepoznavnost. Na pot svetovne slave jih je pripeljal album Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can’t We, ki so ga izdali leta 1993 in prodali v večmilijonski nakladi. Skupina je poleg tega posnela še tri Top 20 albume: No Need To Argue, To The Faithful Departed in Bury The Hachet. Na začetku tisočletja so izdali tudi album Wake Up and Smell the Coffee, ki je bil njihov zadnji pred razpadom skupine. V svoji karieri so imeli osem uspešnic na lestvici singlov Top 20. Tako so pesmi, kot so Linger, Dreams, Zombie, Ode To My Family, Ridiculous Thoughts, Salvation, Free To Decide, Promises in mnoge druge, našle posebno mesto v srcih njihovih oboževalcev, ki jih na njihovih koncertih prepevajo te na ves glas. Prav slednji se bodo novice, da je skupina zopet krenila na turnejo, zelo razveselili. Nam najbližje bodo gostovali v Italiji, natančneje v Milanu.


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