
The difference between living with and without a dog

Life without and with a dog is something completely different.

Would you like to have a dog? Then it is wise to know what awaits you beforehand. With a dog, you can say goodbye to your old life. Want to know how much it will change for you? What's better than first hand information, i.e. from a dog owner? One of them is Mai, who has a golden retriever at home. Sam summarized the difference between life with and without a dog in cute illustrations.

Buying a dog is an important life decision, especially for those who choose it for the first time. Above all, it is important to know that we are not buying a toy that we will put away in the closet when we will not be able to "play" with it, but a living being. The dog is new family member.

READ MORE: Cute footage of dogs (almost) overcome by sleep

The specificities of the breeds must also be taken into account when making a decision, because characterful dogs can be very different from each other. But certain behavior and habits are characteristic of everyone. Do you really want a dog? With the help of the illustrations below, check the difference between living with a dog and without one, and then the decision will be much easier and more responsible.

Do you still want a dog? Dog owners, do you agree with the drawing?

The difference between living with and without a dog:

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