
An emotion that will destroy your soul: this is how you recognize cruel envy!

Unfortunately, few people manage to live their lives without considering the lives of others. Most of us thus allow envy to conquer and overcome us.

Envy takes many forms, but they are all forms incredibly toxic and dangerous to the state of the soul. Therefore, it is important that we all learn to recognize envy in time - in others and in ourselves - and to be able to resist it.


Sarcastic statements and remarks are one of the most common forms of envy. What is sarcasm? An apparent joke, when we say one thing, but really mean something completely different - and this one double meaning is the essence of sarcasm. The most common form of sarcasm is the connection between "aggressive" and friendly communication. For example, someone sees you in a new outfit and says in a sweet voice: “Wonderful dress! It hides all the extra pounds so well.” Or "You did great... If you hadn't made so many mistakes, it could have been perfect."

If we look closely at this form of "humor", we will find that it is most often just a wrapper for insults. Mockery, on the other hand, reveals that there is something wrong with the person deep envy.

Too direct

Such behavior shows that the person simply it has no filters between thoughts and words. Her directness and sincerity often turn into ruthlessness, which causes genuine envy. Such people most often criticize others and do so in such a way as if they are fully entitled to it.

You probably know these types of people. These are the ones who often say to the interlocutor: "You acted like a complete fool." or "You have terribly crooked teeth". They share their opinions out loud, even when no one asks them anything. They do this even though they know that what they have said is already clear to everyone present and that they are not adding any useful or new information to the conversation.

Such a person simply does not have any filters between thoughts and words.
Such a person simply does not have any filters between thoughts and words.

Sweet sadists

"Sweet sadists" seem like very nice people at first glance. They are always very attentive listeners and know how to communicate with others. But one feature separates them from truly good people: they make false promises and show with their actions that they don't care.

For example, to ask such a person for a favor. After all the promises, when you are already sure that the request has already been heard and the thing done, they will surprise you with the statement: "Oh, sorry, I completely forgot about your request.” Of course, all this is accompanied a seemingly sincere apology and assurances that this person will not let you down again. And such a "sweet" person is quite capable of "forgetting" your consent in an important matter that is directly related to you.

"I'm just helping"

This is another of the most common forms of envy that can do a lot of damage. The favorite phrase of such people is "I just want to help". These are people who love listening to someone else's problems. They are manipulators. They use the information they get to spread rumours. They are always paying attention to the lives of others and giving people unsolicited advice. But don't let them mislead you with the pretext that they "only want to help" - their actions guide pure, unspoken envy!

People who always compare themselves to others and put themselves first

Egocentric people constantly compare themselves with others and try to do it in such a way that presented in the best light. In other words: life itself is not sweet if they cannot be better than others in everything.

To achieve this, they have to process all aspects of life through conversation - clothes, cars, partner, achievements... In a word, everything that relates to them. We can otherwise calmly communicate with such a person until we get a sharp response in the sense "It looks like you're having problems at work. I'm doing like clockwork at the moment."

Self-centered people constantly compare themselves to others.
Self-centered people constantly compare themselves to others.

All these faces of envy hide self-doubt. People wear these masks because they cannot look at their own lives without comparing them to other people's lives. The achievements and happiness of others only remind them of their own emptiness and unreality.

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