
The first drive-in concert in Slovenia: TABU in the Vič Center parking lot

On Saturday, May 30, there will be a free concert by the rock band Tabu, which has been on the Slovenian music scene for more than 20 years, in the Vič Center parking lot.

Important information
Vič Center parking lot, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
Free, parking reservation required.

In the time of the coronavirus, when concert halls and cinemas are still closed, he will provide safe musical entertainment the first drive-in concert in Slovenia. The group Tabu, which has always broken taboos with its music and lyrics, will perform on it, so they will break another one with a trendy drive-in concert already established in the world.

After the concert, visitors will be able to enjoy the big screen in the drive-in cinema from the comfort of their steel horses. in the documentary The Story of Tomorrow, which describes the work and creation of the Tabu people. Hostesses on roller skates will ensure the safe serving of food and drinks.

You can reserve a limited number of free spaces in the Vič Center parking lot on the website kino-bezigrad.si.

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