
The first t-shirt that cannot get dirty in any way

The dream of a stain-proof garment has come true! Namely, Aamir Patel created the incredible Silic, the world's first T-shirt that can be endlessly poured with anything, but still remains completely clean.

It's a stunning effect Patel achieved with the help of these hydrophobic nanotechnology. The resistant fabric is covered with trillions of quartz particles, which form a microscopic layer of air and thus prevent any liquid molecules from taking hold - they simply repel them. In addition, the waterproof environment also prevents the development of bacteria, which means that the shirt will never smell like sweat again.

Although the material is artificially produced, it is not carcinogenic or otherwise dangerous to human health. A revolutionary T-shirt, which will be followed by a collection of clothes under the auspices of a fashion icon Faith Wang, you can support or pre-order on the site for now Kickstarter.

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