
The world's first smart bike with Android

Le Syvrac smart bike

The Le Syvrac smart bike is the first bike with an Android mobile operating system! It is signed by the Chinese company LeEco, which recently threw down the gauntlet to the Tesla Model S with the affordable LeSEE electric car, and has made a name for itself with smartphones, TVs and streaming services. Now they have introduced the Android smart bike Le Syvrac, which carries a mini computer with a 4-inch screen on the handlebar. Obviously, from now on we will pay more attention to which operating system the bike has, not so much which gear/equipment set it has.

Only Syvrac it is the first smart bike in the world with Android. Smart bikes are not a new coinage, but until now it hasn't flown on any bike Android operating system. They were all smart only in connection with smartphones and not by themselves. Le Syvrac brand LeEco but he is, because he thinks with his head (read: with his computer) and is also quite "educated". It is equipped with a 4-core processor and 4 GB of system memory.

READ MORE: LeSEE – China's answer to Tesla's Model S

If we once included a bell, reflectors, a footrest and a trunk among the bicycle's goodies, the Le Syvrac bicycle has these webcam, heart rate sensor, microphone, red laser beam (suggests the driver a safe distance to the cyclist when visibility is poor), alarm system and mobile application to access data on mobile devices. Although, after reading, you would say that the bike is certainly as expensive as saffron, it is still a Chinese product, so the starting price is set quite low, at approx. 710 euros, the most expensive version (carbon frame) is somewhere where your guesses would be, i.e. at 5300 euros.

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