
The world's first vagina museum opens

Considering that Iceland already has a penis museum, it is not unusual that we will also get the world's first vagina museum. This will be located in Great Britain and will be a collection of gynecological studies.

Florence Schechter, which will open in the fall in Great Britain, specifically in London the world's first vagina museum, believes that we all need to teach about vaginas, whether we have them or not. "I found out that it exists in Iceland The penis museum, which is pretty cool. But there is no equivalent institution for vaginas. There is otherwise art gallery in tasmania, it is in Austria virtual museum, but there is no physical museum that you can actually visit, which I think is unfair," Florence told This Is Insider. "That's why I decided to open it. And ours will be a little different. He will have exhibits on the science, history and social aspects of the vagina,” he adds.

The world's first vagina museum opens in London this autumn.
The world's first vagina museum opens in London this autumn.

With the opening of the museum, he wants to eliminate the stigmatization of the vagina and the taboo around female genitalia, and everyone, regardless of gender, will be invited to the museum. Florence also wishes they would women felt good in their bodies and got to know them without shame.

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