
The full moon on May 23 brings drama: Which two signs will experience strong emotions and unexpected twists?

Photo: envato

The full moon in Sagittarius is just around the corner and promises us an extremely dynamic period! Two zodiac signs will feel the impact of this event especially strongly.

May 23 at 2:53 p.m we will witness a full moon in Sagittarius, which will bring a wave of adventures, fun and unexpected twists. It will arouse strong emotions and optimism.

Which two signs will feel the influence of the full moon the most?

Sagittarius: Time for personal growth and adventure

It will bring them a period of extraordinary energy and inspiration. Known for his love of freedom, adventure and exploration, Sagittarius will feel an even greater need to expand his horizons during this time.

A full moon in Sagittarius will stimulate their natural curiosity, which means it's a great time to travels, learning new skills or trying out new hobbies. Sagittarians will feel a wave of optimism and will be more than ever ready to take risks and follow their dreams.

Gemini: challenges and opportunities for inner growth

While this period will be full of positive energy for Sagittarians, Gemini born under the opposite sign may face more challenges. The full moon will provoke deeper introspective thoughts and feelings for them.

Sagittarius will be full of energy. Photo: Andrea Piacquadio/ Pexels

Gemini may have to deal with internal conflicts or troubled relationships, which can lead to feelings of insecurity. Nevertheless, it is also an opportunity for inner growth and transformation. They can use this time to work on themselves, meditate and self-reflect, which will help them clarify their life goals and desires.

Opportunities under the light of the full moon

The full moon will illuminate paths that previously seemed closed or blocked, and show us new opportunities to move forward. This is the time when opportunities that we previously overlooked can reveal themselves and when we can take steps forward towards our goals.

It is crucial to optimally harness the energy of this full moon gratitude. Focusing on all the gifts and abundance around us and celebrating our current situation will increase the benefits we can gain from this phase.

This full moon is a great opportunity to bring joy into our lives, to celebrate everything that makes us makes you happy, and add a touch of adventure and play. Trying new things, hanging out with friends who inspire us, and pursuing our passions are great ways to align with this energy.

This could be your time. Photo: Pexels-Pixabay

It is important to realize that life is not always serious and that we should take time to enjoy it.

Neptune's powerful presence

Neptune, the planet of dreams, is especially active under this full moon, bringing us strong support in the making dreams come true. Dare to dream big; dare to reach higher goals and let the light of the full moon guide you.

Neptune also encourages creativity, which means that art projects will be especially successful. We can also feel a wave of creative energy that allows us to think and feel the world differently.

Whenever Neptune's energy is strong, the universe usually reminds us to we trust our instincts. Our intuition can be strengthened under the influence of Neptune, so if you need to finish or let go of something in life, listen to your intuition.

Neptune will guide us to see something through, and the positive energy of the Full Moon will ensure that new doors open.

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