
The full moon will have the most beautiful effect on these three astrological signs: a wave of love and magical energy awaits them (from December 30)

These are the 3 astrological signs that will be most affected by the Full Moon in Cancer!

The full moon awaits us December 30, just before New Year's Eve, and brings us a wave of strong emotions, as it is placed in the sign of Cancer.

During this period, we will be thinking about intense changes from the coming year, and the light of the moon will bring our emotions to a peak. This is a period when we will be a little more sensitive, as well as gentle with ourselves, so many wounds in the soul will heal.

Here are the 3 astrological signs that will be most affected by the Cancer Full Moon.

A virgin

For Virgos, this full moon will be healing as it illuminates your friendship field and future plans. By nature, you are focused on your goals and desires, and you are accompanied by the energy of optimism and new hopes. You will need to connect with friends or do something nice for your community. Don't be afraid of the wave of love coming your way, so open your heart!

Don't be afraid of the wave of love coming your way, so open your heart!


Taurus will not hold back their feelings and will manage to get rid of the emotional burden in a conversation with people dear to them. Strengthen emotional bonds that make you feel loved, protected and encouraged to make positive changes. You had many challenges in 2020, but now add nice events like hanging out with friends, partying and meditation to your schedule.


The full moon asks you to slow down and relax. Its light illuminates the hidden parts of your soul, but to allow this, you must give your spirit space and freedom. You will do this first with the help of meditation, a warm bath with scented salt and candles, and by writing down your dreams. These can be helpful techniques for restoring spiritual energy.

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