
A girl changed her body after insulting comments, the result is shocking

See what happens when you follow or allow offensive online comments to touch you. This girl changed her body at the 'order' of her followers on Instagram and the result is shocking.

Five years ago, she was a popular blogger Chessie King most proud of the fact that she can resist food. She spent several hours a day in the gym on an empty stomach and was consequently 'malnourished'. Chessie today she loves food and her body. Of course, it is impossible for her to satisfy all her followers with this, especially those who constantly criticized for her appearance.

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Food is not scary, food is not the enemy, food is fuel, food is delicious, food is there to be ENJOYED ❤️🧡💛 – Left: 5 years ago. Scared of food, an unhealthy weight for my height (nearly 6ft) – Right: Found a love & very healthy relationship with food 💃🏼 I posted this last May but after so many messages after the recent post where I opened up to questions, I really hope it will help a few of you if you need it 🌈 Educating myself about exercise over the past few years has given me a whole new relationship with food. It's now my best friend NOT the enemy 💛🍽 I used to get into bed proud of myself if I'd missed dinner, excited to wake up the next morning with a flat tummy. I forced myself to do endless amounts of cardio with absolutely no fuel & constantly felt light headed with no energy. I congratulated myself if I felt hungry & celebrated my tummy rumbling. I slowly started introducing foods that scared me, just a little bit at a time so it wasn't too overwhelming, I started experimenting with different tastes 🍴 I now eat what I want when I want, with the thorough understanding (after 5 years of learning about my body) what food I need to support my active lifestyle. Without the food, I wouldn't be able to do the workouts I do, I would be able to work as hard as I do 🏋🏼 Even just sitting down to do work, I feel so much more productive when I've had a good nutritious meal. I don't count macros, I don't cut ANYTHING out of my diet (except black pepper & goats cheese! 🤢) I just eat healthy whole foods & nourish my body. I don't ever feel that guilt I used to live with every time I took a bite of even just an apple. Girls, if I could go back to the left photo, I would tell myself how amazing food really is. How important it is to understand what you're putting in your body & how much you need. I am not a nutritionist but I know what works for me & I'm still constantly learning 🙋🏼‍♀️ Anyone reading this who needs that little bit of bravery 🦁 YOU'VE GOT THIS & if you feel like you haven't, there's always support, you are NOT alone. 🍊🍋🍌🍿🍉🍓🍍🍦🥝🥕🥑

A post shared by CHESSIEKING (@chessiekingg) he

Chessie so decided to she conducts an experiment and becomes 'perfect' to her followers. First, she posted a video of herself in her underwear on Instagram and said that she she feels great in her own skin and doesn't care what others think. People even mentioned it in the comments called fat.

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THIS IS ME. THIS IS MY BODY 🙋🏼‍♀️ No flattering angles, no flattering lighting, just me & my body feeling on top of the 🌍. We all have days where we feel super duper good but we don't share them enough. I want YOU to feel confident enough to dance around in your underwear & embrace any wobble you have! A few years ago I would never have posted this, all I cared about back then was being the leanest I could, going to the gym as many times as I could a week & counting every calorie I ate 🍴 Even at my smallest, when I was training the most & eating the least, I just wanted to cover up my body because it wasn't my idea of 'perfect' 💁🏼‍♀️ Now my priority is to be happy & comfortable in my own skin, & today I appreciate my body & what it does for me. We were not made to be Barbie dolls who LOOK insanely good 24/7, we were made to be HUMAN & we should all be allowed to FEEL insanely good 24/7. Come at me keyboard warriors, you can say what you want but nothing will knock me down 💃🏼👊🏼

A post shared by CHESSIEKING (@chessiekingg) he

Chessie then posted a photo of herself repaired the belt.

First, she fixed her belt.
First, she fixed her belt.

But the followers didn't like that either, because they said her arms were too fat. That's why he's in the next photo reduced hands.

This was followed by a reduction in arms.
This was followed by a reduction in arms.

This time, followers didn't like her fat legs, so she decided to get virtual liposuction here as well.

The legs were also "too fat".
Even the legs were "too fat".

People were not yet satisfied. This time they decided to criticize her bushy eyebrows. That's why Chessie has them deleted.

But you "overcome" the eyebrows.
But you "overcome" the eyebrows.

But there was still no end to the criticism. They criticized her nose, eyes, hair and butt, that's why she changed everything.

This is what Chessie looked like when she fulfilled most of her followers' requests.
This is what Chessie looked like when she fulfilled most of her followers' requests.

When she enlarged her lips (she took into account the comments of some followers), others again criticized them for being like that lips too big. Whatever she changed, some Instagram followers still claimed she did ugly.

Big lips weren't enough either.
Big lips weren't enough either.

This is what Chessie looked like after all the 'ordered' changes. She wrote next to her video: "If we changed our bodies for every person who deliberately provokes, insults or writes nonsense with their comments, we would become monsters."

The whole experiment you can see in this video.

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