
The Gum Movie

Winter is approaching, and with it various productions showing the best professional surfers and their tricks. The Rip Curl team presents itself this year with the production of The Gum Movie. The professional surfers who will be present at the premiere filmed the film in the Andes, Canada and Japan. At the premiere, we will be given films, T-shirts and...

Important information
F club pod Halo Tivoli, Celovška 25, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee

Bliža se zima, s tem pa tudi različne produkcije, ki prikazujejo najboljše profesionalne deskarje in njihove trike. Ekipa Rip Curl se letos predstavlja s produkcijo The Gum Movie. Profesionalni deskarji, ki bodo prisotni na premieri, so film snemali v Andih, Kanadi in na Japonskem. Na premieri nam bodo delili filme, majice in ostala privlačna darila. Sledi after zabava z DJ Kusturjem, kjer se bodo predvajali surf in snowboard filmi.


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