
Long Story Short: a hostel you absolutely fall in love with

Long Story Short: a hostel you absolutely fall in love with

Until recently, hostels were hostels and luxury hotels were luxury hotels. Nowadays, however, the line is sometimes so thin that we can be justifiably confused. What led to this, it will be difficult to find out in this place. A little bit of each, probably. Anyway, they have opened a hostel in the Czech Republic that will surely charm and enchant you.

Hostel Long Story Short  in Czech Olomouc is located in a building with a rich history that spans everything back to the 17th century. The idea for him was born Eva Dlabalova, who invited to the project interior designer Denisa Strmiskova. Strmiskova used for the appearance of the hostel soft pastel colors with accents in black and white. Furniture, which is in the vast majority made to order, were mainly made by local manufacturers and designers.

It is available in the hostel 56 beds, differently distributed in the rooms. They even offer a bedroom for newlyweds. Private rooms have their own bathrooms, sleep and common, but therefore no worse equipped, so that there will be no mistake. As befits a hostel, the Long Story Short also has its own living room, which is at the same time reception and cafe. It is also worth mentioning that the house in horseshoe shape, which also describes the original name Podkova (horseshoe).

It's hard to put into words how amazing Long Story Short looks. Best to see it in the gallery. If your journey takes you to Olomouc, you can spend the night in the hostel 15 euros.

Gallery - Long Story Short: a hostel you'll absolutely fall in love with

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