
The International Carnival Festival is starting in Ptuj

Judging by the weather, winter hasn't started well yet, but it's already time for the cold weather to drive it away. On the second of February, with Kurento's jump in Ptuj, monthly curentization begins.

Although this year's carnival is in the first days of March, International carnival festival starts no later than 2.2. This day marks the beginning of the carnival season on Ptuj and on this day, according to tradition, the kurenti (or koranti) put on their bells for the first time and dance with them by the fire. Thus, they begin to call for spring, luck and a good harvest, and drive away winter. After these events, the Kurents will hide from the winter for twenty days, and then on February 22, the prince of the carnival will take over and the carnival celebration will begin. As part of the International Carnival, a lot of interesting things will take place in Ptuj within three segments - ethnofest, carnivalfest and artfest.

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