
The invincible Ellie Goulding is also on fire across the border

Ellie Goulding

Ellie is gentle, but she burns like hell. She is charming but sassy. With a voice that is a real balm for the ears and an unbeatable figure, he is coming to Vienna in February.

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Her name has only been known on the music scene for about five years, but she is Ellie Goulding experienced a lot. After being under the wing of a manager by Jamie Lillywhite in 2009 signed a contract for Polydor Records, a year later she already boasted of debut album Lights, with which she ascended to the top of the music charts. She immediately captivated us with her singing hits interwoven with various musical details, which also made a great impression on Prince William and his chosen one, Kate Middleton. In 2011, the future spouses invited her to sing a selection of songs to their liking at the party after the wedding reception, which is Ellie of course she accepted and after months of secret negotiations, she served the birthday party with a wreath of her compositions, and she also surprised them with a cover of Michael Jackson and Tina Turner.

With hit after hit, the young up-and-coming Englishwoman dug deep into the hearts of famous music performers, in which she rooted herself after a chaotic two and a half years with another puck Halcyon. Although she was still struggling with her psychological side in the first years of her musical career, she was inspired by performers such as Bjork, Lauryn Hill and Kanye West, gave strength to write the composition, in the creation of which she also participated with Calvin Harris, Skrillex, DJ Fresh and others.

To the goldilocks and her rushes, all from Guns and Horses and Burn to Godness Gracious, for which a video spot has also been shown since the beginning of the year, we don't have to go far. A good four hour drive to Vienna will be a small snack, Ellie and the sweet cherry on top of the musical cream.

Ellie Goulding
Ellie Goulding

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